Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Burning near upper pelvic region, 37 wks?

Yesterday I was talking on the phone and had Severe pain in my upper pubic region. Near the spot that your undies would meet your skin and over around the front to the upper side. I called the dr and couldn't even walk myself. He had me go to the er and I did. In Labor and Deliver they couldn't find a thing wrong. It is still hurting, not as bad, today. They did give me a sleeping pill and pain med for last night. Has anyone heard of this? The nurse said I probably pulled a muscle. That isn't likely. I am so frustrated! I am 3 cm dialated for like 2-3 wks now and am just getting so sick of this. Sorry to be like this but if it's not one thing it's another. The pain was unbearable!

It just happened again! When I went to bend down to get my sons toy I almost couldn't get back up! It feels like a rubberband tugging on my skin! HELP!

Burning near upper pelvic region, 37 wks?
Its your round tendons and pulling muscles. Its totally normal, when you move or bend it pulls them and hurts terribly bad. Beyond that you have a major nerve that runs through that region. Your uterus pulls your muscles and the tendons that hold it in place are at maximum tension, they hurt very badly from this point until the end of pregnancy. IT takes your breath away and stops you in your tracks.

The pain youre describing is totally normal. I dont know why they didnt tell you that at the ER. Its rediculous, I get so sick of sub-par hospital care, honestly its probably my number one pet peeve.

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