Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How much should i sell my v3 on ebay for?

It is only 1 year old, it is in great condition with no scratches and it has an iphone skin on it is locked to Cingular, it will come with and u nregistered sim card, it comes with a motorola phone tools CD, battery, an international charger, and a ringtone is 2.50$ and i have 30 of them preloaded on the phone, thats 60$ worth of ringtones on a single RAZR. How mych do you think this will sell for.

How much should i sell my v3 on ebay for?
Well I've been looking for a razr v3 on eBay for weeks and everbody seems to have a shipping price at $15-$20 then they start the bidding a $.99, then not much happens till the last couple hours. But when people start bidding they bid like crazy, I've seen bids go well over $80 easy

Tell them that your adding the ringtones, CD, battery, and the charger for a huge bonus.

I'm sure your phone will sell just fine
Reply:Be careful when listing it. There are a lot of scams out there involving mobiles!
Reply:I would type in what you are trying to sell - and then look at completed items - that way you can tell how much they are willing to pay.
Reply:be careful when posting and it really depends on the condition of the phone

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