The Dragon of
“Jaiden… Jaiden…!” Called Kenya Jaiden’s mother, Get up you have breakfast and it’s getting cold!”. Jaiden came down stairs looking half dead his hair was out of order and his sleepy face looked that of an old man around his sixties.
“I had the best dream it was about what I could do if I ever got super powers.” Said Jaiden, “I could be getting all the girls like a super model!”
Ha! Dream on” Said Daniel, “The day you get a girl friend is the day I grow wings and fly!”
Daniel was a light skinned girl who loved a good argument she also had brown eyes and black hair. Jaiden was a Brown skinned boy with black hair brown eyes and loved to play any thing for fun or a good laugh. Jaiden’s family was a traveling family they traveled all around the United States in a mobile home spending most of the time camping or exploring.
“Jaiden betcha can’t catch me!” Daniel said while running into a near by patch of trees.
“Well you better run faster cause here I come!” Yelled Jaiden while running after Daniel. They were in the forest when Jaiden saw a faint light from under some leaves and twigs.
“Daniel look there’s something here.” Called Jaiden, “It looks cool I’ll pick it up and show it to you.” “AAAAAAAH!” Yelled Jaiden.
“Jaiden… Jaiden where are you?” Yelled Daniel nervously.
Daniel searched franticly until she found him laying on the ground. Jaiden managed to say “j… just take me home I’m
in gr… great pain. He then fainted.
Chapter 2
The Power Of The Thunder Dragon
Jaiden awoke slowly but he felt normal
as if nothing had ever happened, but he knew that something about him was different. At breakfast he had gotten over excited because his mother prepared a special meal for him. He sat down and suddenly jolts of electricity whipped from all five of his fingers and had hit the table.
The table was shaking and began to burn. It
seemed like the more he concentrated on the table the bigger the electricity beam got.
He started to get scared and closed his eyes and thought stop. The electricity beam stopped. The second the electricity stopped he knew somehow he gained something powerful. His mother knew what he had was a result of the object he had picked up in the forest.
When she was a little girl she saw a comet that looked like a orb or ball of light she was hypnotizes by the weird light that it made.
“It looks exactly the same.” Whispered Kenya as if in a trance.
“What?!” asked Jaiden alarmed by his mom’s remark.
Kenya snapped out of the trance and told him about the comet she saw. Then told him something else something that made him excited and worried at the same time.
“I saw that comet and saw how it moved as if controlled by something.” Said Jaiden’s mom, “that stream of electricity that came out of your hand gave out the same light as the comet. I know that I wasn’t the only person to see that comet people probably know more about it than me so I think we should find out more about your new…. Umm ability.”
“Yea maybe there is more to this power than we think.” Said Daniel.
“Maybe we should go to a library in the next town to look for more information.” Said Jaiden.
When they arrived at the next town they went strait to the library. They looked every where they could think of until Daniel said, “You know something like this the government should have investigated.
Maybe we should look in the declassified section.”
“Good idea!” said Jaiden
They went to the declassified section and found a book that read, “Suspicious Comets” in the book they found a great group of discredited myths about comets that is where they found the article about the Blue Star Comet or B.T.R. It read “ This comet was believed to give special powers of electricity and the ability to transform into a normal sized dragon not much bigger than the human that transformed into it.
This article was written by Trayvone M Mathis he was believed to be the original Thunder Dragon until he died in 1984. It is also said that he formed all his powers into a comet and sent it around the world his powers would then land on earth near a person that was tough enough to fight evil but nice enough to help anybody in need.
Chapter 3: The Attack
“Wow!” Said Jaiden in surprise.
“ We have to train now!” said Jaiden’s Mom
“A power like this couldn’t have just started on earth there has to be more than just humans tracking down this power.
Kenya didn’t know how right she was.
Five days from the discovery of the power
of the Thunder Dragon Jaiden had mastered shooting electric bolts but he didn’t know how to transform or do any heavy electric attacks. Kenya had almost finished making the training coarse when a strange red light came blasting toward her.
“Jaiden” called Daniel, “come see this”
Jaiden came running out of the mobile home looking shocked at the red creature
walking toward her.
“Where is the Thunder Dragon?” Demanded the red creature.
“W-what are you talking about” said Kenya.
“Don’t play dumb you ingrate Where is he!” Said the red creature
“leave her alone!” Said Jaiden,
“I’m right here”
“So you are the weakling that got the powers.” Said the red creature, “I’ll take care of you easy”
Jaiden swung at the creature but it dodged it and kicked Jaiden over Jaiden quickly remembered the power he had
and sent as many bolts of electricity towards the creature as he could. The bolts hit the creature and it suddenly started to shake but Jaiden could feel the bolts getting weaker, and concentrated hard on controlling the electricity. Suddenly the electricity shined blue than yellow and flew back at Jaiden. He felt his body change and thought, I transformed if I concentrate I can form the electricity into any form of power.
Jaiden then put his hands together and said, “Destruction blast” a ball of electricity formed and he sent it toward the creature.
The creature was hit seconds before he said, “This isn’t over there are many other aliens in the universe that are hunting for that power!”
“W-what just happened?” asked Daniel
“I figured it out I can control it I can control it!” Yelled Jaiden
“Don’t get so happy you heard what that alien said.” said Kenya.
“Why?” said Jaiden
“Because if what that alien said was true were in trouble.” said Kenya
“Okay okay so you’re saying that we are in danger of getting killed by some weird aliens!” Said Daniel in surprise.
“Yes, and now we have to train no exceptions!” said Kenya. Soon Kenya began to act like a drill sergeant making Jaiden practice his destructo-ball while she and Daniel learned how to handle spears and other common weapons. After a few days of training they were tiered and weak from constantly training.
“We have to think of something that isn’t so tiring”, said Daniel
“Yah”, said Jaiden
“Well okay I guess we could take a break from training for just a few days or maybe a week but remember the next time we face an alien there won’t be time to take a break.” said Kenya
Chapter 4: The First heist
“Hey, now that we’re finally leaving this hot
country side maybe I should have some fun with my powers.” Said Jaiden
“Hold up I don’t think momma would let us do that.” Said Daniel
“Your such a kill joy I’m gonna go have some fun your either in or out?” Said
“ ahh, Fine I’m in what are we gonna do though.” Asked Daniel
“We are going to play with a few country side houses.” Said Jaiden
Jaiden sneaked out of the Mobil Home and walked to a phone line he thought electric phone sure enough a string of energy went from his finger to the telephone
pole in front of him. He put his finger up to his ear he began to hear a conversation.
“Hold on now we can’t just rob the bank we have to have a plan”
“but, if we don’t get this done tomorrow
just think the boss will have are heads!”
“Okay then listen up here is the plan
we drive up to the bank at exactly 3:00 P.M.
I’ll be in a red pick up truck just blink your light twice when you see me after that we both walk out of are cars and into the Bank.
After that just follow my lead. NO SCREW UPS!!”
Hold up what bank is it that we’re robbing.”
“Haven’t you been listening at all you numb scull it’s the only one in town on 1784
Piton St.
Hang up thought Jaiden “I-I can’t believe it they just gave me every little detail about their little heist I can’t wait to see their faces when I tell the cops, Wait why tell the cops when I can stop them myself yah all I gotta do is get my mom to go to the bank!”
What do you think I should do with this make sure you read it all?
i thought it was awesome publish it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Reply:Burn it..egads that is boring
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