Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Skin falling out during period?

I have PCOS and finally have gotten my period back for now and today I took a bath and this big clump of what looks like a thin layer of skin fell out covered in blood of course. When I was younger before I had PCOS, I never had period problems. I didn't have cramping or anything and now I have really bad cramping, to the point where I almost vomit and now that happened.

I am not pregnant and have never been pregnant. Is this normal? I can't go to my gyno or call them since it is Saturday and I called the hospital and they can't tell me anything over the phone. I don't want to go the ER if its something normal.

Skin falling out during period?
It is perfectly normal. Hopefully you know that each time you have your period an egg is released. If the egg does not unite with a sperm it starts to break down and follicles stop producing progesterone. WIth the loss of progesterone the lining of your uterus starts to break down and you bleed.

So, what you are seeing is just the lining of your uterus.
Reply:perfectly normal just the linning of you womb
Reply:gross but i am afraid normal....oh the things us women have to endure!!!! the dr. can give u some meds for the pain. just endure until monday and make a visit w/ur dr! in the meantime take motrin or even better lie on a heating pad and dose up w/the motrin. refrain from extra physical activity, cause u need to rest. just take a leisurely weekend, catch up on some reading, eat light foods, and see the dr. on monday! good luck!

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