Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Who has the Samsung T 509?

The T-509 seems so flimsy and fragile. I usually put my phone in my pocket but I'm afraid I'm gonna scratch and break this one! Whay do you use to protect yours? I've seen those faceplates but they seem too bulky. Has anyone tried the skins?

Who has the Samsung T 509?
I don't personally have the phone, but a friend of mine does. The phone is not fragile, it is made with extreamly strong meterial and putting it in your back pocket and sitting on it wouln't even break it. Running it over with a car....well that might break the screen lol. I have the T809 which has, for the most part, the same exposed screen. I have had it in my pocket with car keys (stupid, I know) coins, and lots of metal stuff, and there is still not one single scratch on the screen. If I were you, I wouln't get the T509. Its a nice phone, but the Trace is only $99, while it should be at least $150 or $200. The Trace also has very nice features, and is an updated version of the T509.
Reply:check out this website

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