I met this sexy dark skinned bald-headed guy at a party. We talked on the phone a few times and met for a date the following weekend. He turned out to be be ashy with all kinds of acne marks , what I thought were chest muscle were actually boobs. And he told me that his Dad conceived him when he was almost 70 ewww!
Describe the sexiest person you met while drunk who turned out to be disgusting. LOL?
I partied with my friends and met this girl and we hooked up. She wasn't ugly or anything she was actual good looking, but I didn't know that she wasn't a very good drinker and all my friends knew. The next day I woke up and I could smell Cinnamon very strong in the air. It turned out that she threw up all over me when I was sleeping and the bad part is that it was my friends bedroom. She was stuck to me when we woke up
Reply:Bea Arthur
Reply:i went on a cruise and got drunk and hooked up with this guy 3 years older than me and the next day i saw him and he was sooo gross
Reply:lol..it was a while ago I was in college and went home and went to a party. I met this guy that I thought was really cute and such (good beer googles) so anyways i talked on the phone with him and I had to go home for my brothers wedding and he offered to come pick me up from in Iowa and take me home. I said sure because I thought he was cute. Well I was wrong he met me at school and he was really different than I remembered...really gross teeth, a lot shorter than I remembered and a few other things that I really didn't enjoy to be around for the long three hour drive home. but that is what alchocol does to you! :)
Reply:HAHA, omg this kind of stuff can frequently happen under the influence of alcohol. Good Q!
One time in college I was at this Halloween kegger and I was going through this "hippy, free-spirit" phase and I met this dude who turned out to have long hair and a beard and he was about 8 years older than me, ugly, and weird. WTF was I thinking.
Then I made out wth a chunky guy named "Charlie' who was way older than me at a bar.
Another crazy story- I have always wanted to just walk up to a random way sexy COMPLETE stranger at some party, sober, and give him the most sensual, deep, sexiest kiss imaginable out of the blue, then walk away and never talk to him again. I did it two weeks ago! I recommend everyone to do this at least once in your life. You only live once!
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