Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another irish joke?

3 naked men in a sauna, irish, american, japanez, there is a loud beeping sound, the japanez man says it is my pager, i have an inplant in my arm under my skin, japanez technology. A while later a mobil phone rings, the american lifts his hand to his ear and says i have an implant in the palm of my hand, american know how. After a short time the irish gets up and walks out of the sauna, he returns a short time later with a stream of toilet paper hanging out of his bum, i`m just getting a fax he says, irish savey.

Another irish joke?
hahahaha nice one 10/10
Reply:Ha ha good our Irish jokes :)
Reply:lol............ that was the joke of 2007........ my goodness....... i'll star u.......thanx. post more.
Reply:um funny?

you misspelled several words, you know

1. Japanese

2. mobile

3. saavy

The Grammar Police
Reply:Hahahaahhaa, very good!

10/10 :-)
Reply:a corker pmsl 10/10
Reply:Had me wondering for second, about the Irish dude too funny
Reply:it's a cracker.

now as an irish man do i take offence and call this racism?

why bother.

now if it was a muslim instead of a irish man there would be a flood of racist claims, petty isn't it.

gd 1 =)
Reply:10/10 got anymore
Reply:loved it...superb !!
Reply:ha haaaaaaaaa ha that joke never gets old
Reply:That is funny
Reply:heard that one..
Reply:WHO TO LOO LOO 8/10
Reply:Try this instead----Why is sperm white and urine yellow?

So an irishman can tell whether he is coming or going


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