Monday, November 21, 2011

Other species or more technologically advanced civilizations in the universe, perhaps our galaxy?

With over 70,000,000,000,000,000,00 stars in the universe it's statistically impossible to be the only species in the universe. Do you think there's other species out there? Do you think we could be under the microscope by a more advanced civilization?

I think if we were under the microscope from a more technologically advanced species they'd be watching us for a reason....So we won't destroy other civilizations. Think about it, we can't even live collectively due to differing religious beliefs and different pigments of skin. How in the world would we treat someone with huge eyes and and a unicorn sticking out they're forehead?

Secondly, try not to belittle the forces of technology or science by saying it takes a thousand light years to get from Point A to Point B using high octane rocket fuel. A couple of hundred years ago we would have been calling a cell phone magic, and 777s mystical dragons.

Religious thoughts welcome

Other species or more technologically advanced civilizations in the universe, perhaps our galaxy?
I just watched something on Discovery about an ancient civilization in the Indian Ocean that was eleven thousand years ago. The Ocean obviously moved, and discovery is always true (a long time ago they said dolphins eat people?!). Is there life out there? Yes and probaly closer than we think. We assume life needs our conditions to exist, but this is almost certainly not true. Still it seems like it would have to be around where we are in a galaxy (to close to the center and it get's to hot). I don't think it needs to be where we are in our solar system though. Carl Sagan explained how life could've formed on Jupiter. I don't think any species has ever visited our planet, because life that intelligent probaly would be rare (mabey not). Well and about technology and the future. yes we increased the speed that we get from point A to point B with airplanes about two to five hundred times what it used to be, but to get to the nearest solar syster in a life time you would have to increse your speed by let's see fastest Rocket Ship 10km/s about time 1000 10000 Km/s 30X4.3 279 years /3 73 years so 3000 times what it is now. To get to the closest solar system in about seventy years. That's six times what the whole human history did. I'm not saying it's not possible but it's unlikely.
Reply:Why is it that persons who know so little about a topic are so eager to blow off some hot air with unscientific opinions regarding it? Where is your data to back up your 'statistacally impossible' claim? Report It

Reply:If you actually knew anything about stars you would know that 4/5 belong to binary and multiple star systems incapable of sustaining life forms. This reduces your number to 14,000,000,000,000,000,000. Report It

Reply:If you were a true master of statistics, you would realize how fortunate we are that the proper conditions came to be for Earth. It is not a commonplace occurance. Jupiter determined how much water Earth retained and the Moon's tide played a role in creation. Report It

Reply:Earth's iron core helps retain a breatheable atmosphere and protects us from the Sun's harmful radiation which would otherwise kill life forms. Your theory that simply because there are so many stars there must be life is based upon emotion not science. Report It

Reply:It is no wonder then why you choose to be ignorant regarding the immense size of the Universe and the difficulties travelling from point a to point b. Report It

Reply:make ur question short. it is difficult to read that long!

in the first line with figure, u have one zero less, add one zero to make it correct !!
Reply:of course there are. but they were soooo "already been here done that" to even bother us.

so why would we?
Reply:Just a note, Enrico Fermi once said in reference to the infinite universe and the supposed infinite number of life this would indicate, "If other life is out there, we would see it." That's paraphrase of course, but you can search the Fermi Paradox for the exact quote.
Reply:with over 700000000000000000000 stars in the universe I agree that there is life in other solar systems. But I think Hollywood has gone to you head when you sugest we're under a microscope...sorry.
Reply:Personally I believe we are not the only life forms in the universe,

but I'm skeptical these other living organisms look anything like us. I wouldn't even be surprised if they required different conditions to be met for them to live either. Which is to say, we keep on looking for places where water, oxygen and an atmosphere is present. What's to say that other species are able to cope under different conditions?

In terms of more technology advanced, I don't believe so. Being a Christian and a almighty god believer, I strongly believe that we have been given a path to be evolve into what is now a fairly technoglogy advanced society. This was a path for the human race to take, not another species.
Reply:Join the 'Society of Big Thinkers'

The big picture you espoused would not be believable unless an individual were a big thinker!

Do you think George Washington could visualize or believe in atomic energy.

If it were presented to him in a logical manner, he might have been able to accept it if he were a 'Big Thinker'

Big Thinkers believe in the possibility of the 'IMPOSSIBLE'

IT costs nothing to join us and it won't even bring you derision from 'small thinkers' if you keep quiet regarding your great vision:
Reply:Please us scientific notation. I do believe there is intelligent life out there but in our neighboring galaxy Andromeda. I would treat them with peace and respect and I rather live with them then this messed up world.
Reply:I think its only logical that if there are intelligent life out there, they would be just as curious about us, as we are about them. The bible never talks about other lifeforms, but that does not mean that God as we know him, did not create other life elsewhere in the universe. There is a lot we do not know about God, and a lot that is not considered important for life on earth.
Reply:we would be foolish to believe we are alone and the only advanced civilization, they are here and out there and tghere is no doubt

the drake equation will help.

elephant foot

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