Monday, November 21, 2011

My first pap smear cam back abnormal?

I had my first pap smear a couple weeks ago. I was sent a letter in the mail saying that it came back normal, but then today I got a phone call from the nurse saying she sent me the wrong letter and that my test was abnormal and she made me make another appointment for a colposcopy.

A couple weeks leading up to my first pap smear, I had had a mild rash show up inside my labia that kinda looked like tastebuds and they itched really bad. The tiny bumps were still visible when I went in for the test, but when I pointed it out to the Doctor she said that everything looked fine and that the bumps were just part of the natural skin texture down there. So anywho, I'm scared now since the pap smear came back abnormal...could it be HPV? I've only had sex 3 times, used a condom EVERY time. And the bumps I had were not blisters, and the doctor said they looked fine. So what could be the problem!?

My first pap smear cam back abnormal?
almost every female has had an abmormal pap at some point in time. i would wait til the results for the colposcopy come back before you start to worry. i know it's easier said than done, but there is no need to worry yet
Reply:I have had an abnormal pap before because of a cervical infection. I would recommend calling back to talk to the doctor to ask what they found out on this pap that was making it abnormal to see if something like an infection could have caused this.
Reply:I am so sorry this happened to you with your first pap!

It is very common for women to get a colposcopy. I have had one myself. HPV is very common and I would guess she wants to take a closer look at the cervix to see if you have any signs of dysplasia.

If you do have dysplasia, it is treatable. I would say 70% of my friends have had dysplasia at one time in their lives. Not one of us have gotten cancer.

Good luck. Good for you for getting a pap and using a condom!


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