Monday, November 21, 2011

Don't know what to do.?

I don't know what to do anymore.

My younger brother is the devil on earth.

He's 13 and screams and shouts.

He tried to drown me once.

He makes my parents cranky.

It seems like they take it out on me.

I was screamed at for answering the phone wrong.

I'm not good looking.

I have 3 friends.

I talk to my friends about this all.

It helps, until they have to stop talking.

I feel like I'm in a hole that I can't get out of.

A few days ago I dug my fingernails in my skin

until they bled.

I need a healthy alternative to this.

Anything to help with the constant

emotional pain I'm in.

Don't know what to do.?
Long live Advil.

You don't seem to be where you want to be.

But concerning your brother, ( who'd I'd trade for a dog if I were you) you shouldn't be the one to be blamed for. Your parents are suffering just as much as you are, and probably even more, that they have jobs-- so as much as it hurts, try to ignore when they blame you. Besides, your brother reached the puberty age so, it happens.

I bet that you're pretty good looking... considering that your not an abominable snowman, but not marylin monoroe either. You're not the only one... and even if you aren't the way you want to be, be happy that you're not fully grown yet.

Your friends aren't good listeners, either. You've got your life in the mud, but surely that is not your destiny. You've got a whole life ahead of you. At least you have 3 friends... there are people that are complete outsiders. I suggest you focus on your school... some way or another, by avoiding evil teachers and stupid bullies, I used to find education a "safe haven" where I could escape my troubles for a while. I am sorry, Im no help, but you'll have to find a way on your own.
Reply:In a few years you will be too busy balancing your checkbook and paying the lease on your car that you won't have time or energy to bitc_ about your high school melodramatic issues. (continued) Report It

Reply:Now if you were better looking you would probably be more popular in school and on the cheerleading squad, and your question wouldn't exist in the first place, but hey, life's not fair so start playing chess and get over your obsolete checkers. Report It

Reply:therapy. you prob don't want to hear that lol but it helped me. it's just good to have soembody else to talk to about suff. another opion.
Reply:Sorry you are goingt through this. Talk to a teacher you like and trust, or even a counselor. Keep talking with your friends, this outlet is helping you more than you know.

Do get some help with this.

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