Monday, November 21, 2011

Is my boyfriend cheating?

she me and my boyfriend have myspace pages at first our pages said in a relationship then he changed his so i changed mine but to the point there is this girl on there her page says she is from florada put the always talk on the phone and when i look at his page he gets mad he says hes not cause we are always to gether (true) but its the little things that make think that he is he puts myspace before me when i spend the night at his house he stays on there for hours and when i ask him if he is cheating he gets so mad,i ask the girl where they together she said no but one thing that really got under my skin he said that on myspace we are only friend what should i do just relax or confront him again i dont know what to do please help

Is my boyfriend cheating?
Make a new myspace and see if you can pick him up...
Reply:Tell him that it hurt you when you found out he's telling people you're only friends. Don't keep accusing him of cheating, it could drive him away, which is exactly what you're trying to avoid. If you're always together then he's not with someone else, he's with you. Stop worrying but ask him why he said he's single?! Good Luck! =)
Reply:it sounds like he doesnt want a girlfriend
Reply:first of all...people who sit on myspace are either teens with nothing to do or people with no life. It is obvious you both are immature.

I can understand that you want a relationship and want to be paranoid about it but the more you ask this fool the more insecure you sound and it is a huge turn off. trust me on this. WHen you grow up you will learn to deal with this about people. IF HE IS SHOWING HE DOESNT GIVE A CRAP THEN BE MATURE AND LEAVE! look for enjoyment in life not misery with some looser. i saw young girls tolerate and cry about this many times and they literally do anything for some guy who doesnt really care. Think about it... Why are you in this supposed relationship? to be happy or be miserable and what would your advice be is this was your friend in this situation? you would say GET AWAY FROM THE LOSER. so now go do it and stay strong. time to grow up

he wants 1000 friends on myspace? WHAT A GEEK. YOur boyfriend is a major geek. how do you find him interesting? Are you a fat girl?
Reply:forget about my space, it is an evil thing to get all caught up into, remember most of what is posted there is BS

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